What we are doing to keep our clients and ourselves safe

Cam Day Consulting
437 Ford Road Priestdale

Updated 5th September 2020

As coronavirus is currently (September 2020) present in low numbers in the South East Queensland area, we are practicing additional precautions:

  • During consultations Dr Cam Day will be wearing a suitable mask. While this is important, it is not ideal as it often has a negative effect on a pet’s behaviour and, because facial messages are important in training, this can make the concept of ‘training a dog or cat to be good’ more complex.
  • Dr Cam additionally asks that you also wear a mask during your consultation.
  • The Priestdale consulting rooms are large enough to practice 1.5 metre social distancing.
  • If Dr Cam is seeing you in your home, social distancing should also be practiced.

What is the COVID-19 virus?

COVID-19 is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans. It was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, where it has caused a large and ongoing outbreak. It has since spread more widely in China. Cases have since been identified in several other countries including here in Queensland, Australia.

How is the virus spread?

Human coronaviruses are spread from someone infected with COVID-19 virus to other close contacts with that person through:

  • contaminated droplets spread by coughing or sneezing
  • by contact with contaminated hands
  • by contact with contaminated surfaces or objects

The time between when a person is exposed to the virus and when symptoms first appear is typically 5 to 6 days, although may range from 2 to 14 days.

Most COVID-19 cases appear to be spread from people who have symptoms. A small number of people may have been infectious before their symptoms developed.

What we are doing to keep our clients and ourselves safe

Our normal services will continue to operate and include: –

  • House calls
    •In-clinic consultations
    •Telephone consultations – our favoured option for new cases

However, additional precautions will be implemented in accordance with national requirements.

The precautions we will implement

  1. If I, or one of our staff are ‘unwell’, we will self-quarantine and face-to-face consultations will cease during that period. Telephone consultations will continue to be provided.
  2. If you are meeting with us, I/we will confirm, at the beginning of the meeting, our health status as being ‘well’.
  3. I/we will then ask if your health status, and that of your family is ‘well’ and if you confirm that, the meeting will proceed. If that meeting is at our consulting rooms, the ‘wellness’ confirmation will occur at our front gate.
  4. If that meeting is in your home, the ‘wellness’ confirmation will occur at our first point of contact (e.g. at your front door).
  5. If you book an in-clinic or house-call consultation and, in the interim, I/we later become ‘unwell’, we will contact you regarding that ‘unwellness’. For the safety of all concerned, it is then likely the consultation will be postponed.
  6. If you book an in-clinic or house-call consultation and, in the interim, you or members of your family later become unwell, please contact our office. For the safety of all concerned, it is then likely the consultation will be postponed.
  7. I/we will ensure our consulting rooms are sanitised before you enter.
  8. In the case of a house call, I/we will hand-sanitise before entry to your home.
  9. Please don’t be offended if we do not ‘shake hands’ at our first meeting!
  10. If I am attending your home, I am happy to wear a face mask if you prefer and let’s also keep a socially separated distance to be on the safe side. Your dining room table is likely a good measure of that.

References and further information