Flying into a Rage

Aggression towards people is very common with pet birds.

The vicious, monstrous brute I met the other day was savage. It was one of the nasty kind. Get too close and this demon delinquent would mutilate your arm, rip hunks of flesh from your body and leave you wounded and bleeding.

This aggressive pet was called Red by his tormented owner. I nicknamed him ‘Dreaded Red’ because of his antisocial behaviour. But Red was a colourful character. Most Rainbow Lorikeets are.

Red had learnt that nipping was a very effective way of manipulating his owners. Lorikeets may be small but they pack a punch in their powerful jaws!

Aggression towards people is very common with pet birds. When curing aggressive birds, the goal is to gently stop the aggression as soon as it starts and then to reward the resulting calm behaviour.